BC Mortgage Rates

Avoid extra hassle by working directly with Trevor. He will work with you to get you approved at the lowest possible mortgage rates, each time, every time.

The Lowest Possible Rates

Trevor will work with you to get you approved at the lowest possible rates and will help you find the best financial solution to meet your needs.

The Central Bank rate does not dictate fixed rate mortgage products, they are set according to bond yields. Bond yields continue to rise and affect fixed rate products even if the bank rate remains the same. We are, however, noticing reductions in the discounts offered by lenders which is good news for the clients we represent, as the savings will be passed onto them.

The table below shows the current mortgage rates on offer. Reach out to Trevor with any questions or to set up your initial consultation.

BC Mortgage Rates

Term Rates as Low as (%)
1 Year6.04%
2 Year5.34%
3 Year4.24%
4 Year4.24%
5 Year Fixed4.14%
7 Year5.30%
10 Year5.70%
Variable RatePrime -0.95%
Effective date: 2025-01-24

Get Approved for
the Lowest Rates

Reach out to Trevor to get approved at the lowest possible rate.

Services Offered

Trevor offers a variety of services, each tailored to your specific needs. He will work with you through the entire process and work on your behalf to get the best possible deal.